Everything in nature was beautiful as before but Pingala could not see the beauty anymore…

The Story of a Prostitute

And what it teaches about love and the highest realization…

Om Swami
7 min readNov 13, 2018


There’s a beautiful story in Srimad Bhagavatam. Impressed by his knowledge, King Yadu enquires an avadhuta, an enlightened master, about his guru who answers that he had many gurus including a prostitute.

“A Prostitute?” the king scorned.
“Yes, why not?” The avadhuta said. “Hear what I learned from her.” And he went onto narrate the story of Pingala.

Pingala was a glamorous courtesan in the ancient city of Videha. With her red lips like freshly-cut strawberries, beautiful, buxom and seductive, she smelled of exotic flowers. Her sight was enough to evoke desire. Indeed, her stunning beauty was the reason why she was made courtesan at the first place, for the kings and powerful merchants would otherwise break into fights over her. Pingala enjoyed royal patronage unlike any other courtesan in the country.

Through the years, she had learned to practice the craft of love with the same detachment as a doctor’s towards her patient. And yet, as is the way of love — mysterious and unreasonable, she lost her heart to a prince. The young prince promised to visit her on a certain date.

Pingala turned away all other patrons on one excuse or another that day. She took a long beauty bath…



Om Swami

A simple monk in a complex world. Author of ten bestsellers. os.me